One of my favorite thrift finds from the past few years

Brigsby and I did some crafting today. He created his own “craft” while I did some cutting: Small cardboard pieces that he arranged and rearranged into abstract art. 😍

Haaaaard nap time today, but success is a little bit sweeter on these days. 💛

Breakfast with a side of bike helmet

Favorite little duo

Planted these beauties yesterday evening with Brigsby. He wanted to go to the “plant place,” and he said he needed 5 plants. We came home with 9. He beat me. Proud. 💚


An after the rain walk to lunch with @mtt.

WalMart Pickup Tip For Getting Reimbursed For Bad Produce and Damaged Items

We’ve spent the vast amount of the last few months at home, and I’ve found a renewed appreciation for Walmart Pickup. I know it’s not for everyone, but our new local (we recently moved) Walmart is about 7 minutes from our home, and I’ve found that if I schedule Pickup for 8 or 9am, it takes about 5 minutes or less to get my order once I’m there. This is not the same experience I had previously (several years ago).

So for those that also appreciate or at least utilize the convenience of Walmart Pickup, but despise not choosing your own produce and such or checking your eggs before you purchase them, etc…. There’s an EASY way to report damaged items and receive a refund for them. I’ve used it for overripe produce, cracked eggs, and a product past expiration. I don’t plan to abuse it and would expect that there’s some sort of system in place to prevent that. But I have been happy to discover an easy way to ensure that I don’t waste money.

This report is done in the WalMart app right where you order groceries. Here are the steps once you launch the Walmart app:

  1. Select Shop my store.
  2. Choose the hamburger menu.
  3. Go to Account.
  4. Select Your orders.
  5. Choose the appropriate order.
  6. Click Start a return (in Have an item issue? box).
  7. Select the item you wish to return/report for a refund.
  8. Select the reason you’re returning/reporting for a refund.
  9. Click Submit request.

You should immediately receive notice in the app that you’ll receive a refund (when appropriate). And when bad or damaged food is involved, it has always informed me there’s no need to return the item (would be weird and not worth it if you were required to, of course).

That’s it. It probably took you longer to read through this than it would to actually report an item. That’s pretty good, especially for Walmart. 😏

A Little Bit of Rowyn Today

I opened a new package of (3) bows and put one on Rowyn this morning before we left to go eat lunch. I had the others in my hand. She crawled back to me, grabbed one and tried to put it on her head herself then gave it to me fully expecting me to put it on her head. So I did. Then we proceeded the same way with the last one. She was happy as could be once I got them all on her. I guess if there’s a bow around, it’s to be worn. I mean, a crown of bows is quite a statement. 🎀👑

A Little Bit of Brigsby Today

Looks like I took this picture this evening, but this was before sunrise this morning since that’s when he awoke. 😴 And that’s his morning smile. Always.

Looks like he’s jamming to some tunes on the headphones he found in a box I was unpacking a few days ago. Nope. Just needed to wear them first thing this AM. While eating breakfast.

That was just the beginning today. He’s been so enjoyable. As usual. But I guess a little extra. Which is fun. And certainly amusing.

My babies + blocks 😍

Allllll the blocks this morning. Entertained them off and on all day. Might be pulling them all out more often. Honestly, pretty proud of myself (and Matt) for picking them all up tonight. 😏

Hand-Print Flowers

We did a quick Mother’s Day craft with stuff we had on hand. I got the idea from Pinterest. The original craft used foam for the “blooms” and leaves, which I’m sure would be a little more durable (and not show the bleed through of glue). But I didn’t have any, so I just grabbed the card stock. Amazingly, both my 3-year-old and 13-month-old let me quickly trace their hands! My expectations were low, but highly exceeded. Brigsby carefully painted the popsicle stick “stems” while I cut out handprint “flowers” and leaves (I just quickly drew them with a pencil). Although it’d be super easy to finish quickly, we actually didn’t get it all done in one day. Brigsby probably spent about 20 minutes painting (crafts aren’t typically his jam, but he connects with painting here and there), then was ready to move on. So, I set everything aside and finished up today. I love how they turned out! 2 are for my mother-in-law, 2 are for me, and 1 is for my husband because Brigsby wanted to make him one too. 💙 If I had planned ahead (story of my life, but I’m working on that), I would’ve done a few more to gift to my MIL because the little wrapped bouquet is so fun! Maybe we’ll make some more later. This would be a great keepsake craft, birthday gift, Spring/Summer activity, etc. Definitely not Mother’s Day specific. But that’s how I found the idea, and I’m glad I did!

PS - I might have had as much fun taking pictures of them as I did putting them together. 🙂🙃

Books Pictured:

Nature Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of the Natural World by Julia Rothman Everything is Mama by Jimmy Fallon

Moved since I last posted anything here. Weird times for that. But finally feeling a little more settled. And currently organizing keys with colorful wrist bands and tags.

Missed a couple days of the photo challenge. But back for today, February 8th: This would’ve fit today’s prompt, CONTRAST, so much better if I had taken a photo of the glass next to my grandpa’s face (yes, that’s my Pop), but the black on the clear glass is an okay 2nd go at it.

Photo for February 5th (even though it’s Feb 6th): Something HIDING in my King Cake (even though I put it there 😏) 💛💚💜 #mbfeb

Photo for February 4th: Our favorite Tuesday night SPOT (bc Taco Tuesday)


Photo for February 3rd: REFLECTion(s) 😍

And here’s a photo for February 2nd: I ❤️ this sweet SIGHT!

I was really excited about it, but forgot to post a photo for the Feb photo challenge yesterday. So, here’s one for February 1st: An oldie from this past June - Mouth wide OPEN