My husband, Matt, kept telling me I needed some content on an about page, so…

Hi! My name is Kalena. Named after-ish my great grandmother, Lena. I really like my name. I like that even though I know there are other Kalenas in the world, I have never met another in person. I also like that my name is Hawaiian. Not even sure my parents knew that when they chose it, but I ended up becoming a huge fan of the Hawaiian islands after my first trip there in 2013. If my name gets mentioned while there, the locals all immediately recognize it, and I feel connected a little deeper. If Hawaii could be my second home, I would make it that.

Speaking of Hawaii and home, I’m actually from a place that’s really nothing like it. Except for the approximately 2-4 weeks of the year where the weather is gloriously similar. Anyway, Louisiana. Born and raised. Never lived in another state. But I did spend the first 25 years of my life in the northern part and the last 11 down south in Cajun country. Don’t tell all my family and friends that still live up north, but all things considered, I prefer my more southern residence. It’s magical here. I really wish everyone could experience the exceptional food, the rich culture, the beautiful in its own way scenery, and the intriguing history. It’s so unique, and I just love living in the middle of it all.

Slowly bringing you to my tiny corner in this big world—my favorite place of all. Home. With my husband and kids. Our 2.5 acres in the middle of the crawfish capital of the world. It’s its own slice of paradise that’s hard to comprehend without setting foot on. We’ve talked about getting lots of animals, but so far we have…none. I am working on making friends with some crows here recently, though. We have a house filled with light and love where we homeschool and play and truly enjoy living. And we have a big yard that we all like very, very much. Though I still consider myself very much a novice, I have a garden that grows a little more every year, and if anyone that really knows me were to tell you “about me,” that’s probably one of the first things they’d mention. So I’ll stop there.

Fun motherhood moments and gardening and homeschooling and where we live and a little traveling here and there and lots of pictures. That’s typically how I fill this space here.